For the Tourplan programmes you can find the application version by
opening the relevant programme and choosing Help/About Tourplan iS.
For the Tourplan webservices like webConnectODP, AgentCRM, Management
Dashboard etc. finding out the version install...
When this happens you probably have allocation defined for the service
and have not un-ticked the RQ check box for the allocation.
The Allocation 'RQ' setting (tick box) will ALWAYS take precedence
over the Availability settings (NO,RQ,FS) within the re...
Assume you have defined following system INI settings for the Tourplan
user used by iCom:
An iCom booking is made and only some space can be held from
When your Client/Agent attempts to do a HostConnect XML call they get
an error similar to:
2050 SCN Request denied for TESTAG connecting from
This error is caused by the Client/Agents's IP address not being
registered by Tourplan to a...
First login to Tourplan with the iCom Username (from INI
maint/internet/ICOM_USERNAME) and make a test fastBooking for the same
date, debtor, currency and room breakdown as used in the webConnect or
hostConnect search.
The reasons why you cannot make a...
This is most likely because the booking status translation has not
been defined for iCom.
The Booking Status description shown via iCom (hostConnect and
webConnect) does NOT come from the back office descript...
There is a set up for how the 'Tourplan' service line status codes
display via HostConnect/WebConnect.
The Tourplan service status codes are mapped to display online as RQ,
OK, XX or NO via the dataproperties configuration file.