The Agent CRM system is an Internet based tool, designed to give
Tourplan users access to Agent specific information while working away
from the office.
We have a Configuration Guide that will help you to:
* Customize the Agent CRM information headi...
The Agent CRM system is an Internet based tool, designed to give
Tourplan users access to Agent specific information while working away
from the office.
We have a User Guide that will help you to:
* Understand what the Agent CRM is for, and how to u...
In a simple sense, Tourplan has always been able to operate as a
"Multi Branch" accounting system, but with some limitations. For
companies that operate a single Tourplan system and have multiple
branches in a single country using a single currency the li...
* Delay the selection of room configuration in Fastbook until
Service Insert
* Create Fastbookings in a s...
In order to be able to search for and book product in an External
Supplier System from within Tourplan there are a number of steps that
need to be completed. The first step is to have the External Supplier
Adapter setup for you via the Tourplan Helpdesk. ...
The Tourplan Utilities application is a management interface for some
of the different areas of a Tourplan installation. The different areas
covered in this utilities application are the Tourplan Notes, User
Logins and various Code Table Changes.
The Tourplan Utilities application is a management interface for some
of the different areas of a Tourplan installation. The different areas
covered in this utilities application are the Tourplan Notes, User
Logins and various Code Table Changes.
The Availability Led Search is a capability within webConnect ODP that
provides your agents with the ability to search for product
availability independent of rates.
It displays the product availability in grid across a range of dates
that the agent can s...
Product Content comes in two parts. One tab is for textual product
information (by default called Information) and one is an image
gallery (by default called Gallery).
The content of the Information tab is determined by database/supplier
notes. The layo...
webConnect ODP now provides the ability to display multiple rates
under the one option where you have an internal rate with external
rate(s) mapped to the one option. This feature can also be used to
display multiple external rates mapped against one data...
Tourplan iS V3.10 has a new pax entry screen for adding passenger
names and attaching to rooms.
We have a User Guide that will help you to understand how the pax
entry screen works.
To access the User Guide click here