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Knowledgebase: General Ledger
Why is revenue not posting back to the month of travel?
Modified on 21 February 2013 10:00 AM


Unlike other accounting systems, Tourplan has the ability to post revenue by the month of Travel rather than transaction date.


If the system is set up to account in this way and some revenue items are not posted to the month of travel as expected, the following are common reasons which could be causing of the issue:

Is the transaction date of the sales invoice beyond the Current Debtors period?
If yes, the transaction will be seen as a ‘future entered’ transaction and the system will post the revenue to the General Ledger in the period of the transaction, not the travel period.

Was the General Ledger period open for the month of travel at the time the sales invoice was raised?
Transactions cannot be posted to ‘closed’ General Ledger Periods. They will always post to the first available ‘open’ General Ledger Period.

Was the General Ledger period ‘locked’ for the month of Travel at the time the sales invoice was raised?
Transactions cannot be posted to a ‘Locked’ General Ledger Period. They will always post to the first available ‘open/unlocked’ General Ledger Period.  

Has the Booking Travel date been changed after a sales invoice was raised?
Changing the travel date on a booking will NOT alter the posting period for any Financial transactions already associated to that booking. The only way to move these to the new travel period is to fully credit existing Invoices and re-issue.

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